

i have probably mentioned this before, but people say some of the strangest things when you are working in retail.

take this for example:

on sunday, probably 3 or 4 different people asked me where a product was located. so i told them and walked them over to the right aisle and shelf.

"oh, you've moved this. it used to be over there."
"it's been here as long as i've worked here, and i've been here since january"
"no, it was over there the last time i came in"

now, either the last time they came in was last november or they are thinking of a different trader joe's or they're idiots.

yes, we do move stuff around and it may switch shelves or move over a section, but for the most part, we don't move entire aisles around.

these people think we do this stuff on a whim, but do you know how much work it is to empty a whole aisle and move it to another part of the store?

a shit ton. that's how much.

it's ok to admit you don't remember where something is or that you are thinking of another store or you haven't been in for awhile.

but i do not appreciate when it is my fault and our problem for you not being able to open your eyes and think for yourself.

don't get me wrong, i love my job. and i love customers. i wouldn't have a career without them. but for the love of God, think, people!

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