
yogurt slinger

with the primary season about to get into full swing with nh, i've spent the morning reading the websites of what i consider the major democratic runners: clark, dean and kerry.

john kerry has a good website. i like this guy. not bad at all for a masshole. he has a broad plan with his 100 days initiative. whether it will pan out as a campaign support or not is still to be seen. what really struck me is this statement about john ashcroft--who everyone knows, is the devil incarnate:
"John Ashcroft has launched an all-out assault on individual rights, allowing for a wholesale invasion of attorney-client conversations, e-mails and telephone calls. Immediately after the election, John Kerry will name a new Attorney General whose name is not John Ashcroft. We will also fight to protect women’s rights, civil rights and workers rights and enforce anti-trust laws." (my emphasis)

dr howard dean has me in a conundrum. a buddy of mine from vermont did not like how dean ran the state while governor. on the other hand, i find his position on the issues enticing and i like the fact that he challenges the current administration. and i like electing members of the executive branch or members of the legislative for office of the president. (carter, reagan, clinton)

wesley clark (who has the best website). former nato supreme commander and experienced administrator. he even has been endorsed by michael moore. master of quotes such as this: "I will never challenge the patriotism of Americans who question my policies or express their disagreement." while not that monumental (and in my opinion a given) putting it on the record is what i like. another good quote from the general: "When we look at it in human terms, we recognize that this issue [gays recieving equal rights] is about how we want our children to be treated. In America, every child should be equal in the eyes of the law, period."

the jan 27 nh primary is going to be huge, and so is super tuesday (feb 3) when 7 states have their primaries. the massachusetts primary is on march 2. i don't know who i would vote for yet, but i hope all 3 are still in it when i get a chance to make my contribution.

i find myself to be a staunch idealist when it comes to the principles and foundations this nation was founded upon. yes, things are a bit different now then when the consitution was written, but there are still a lot of good things in that document. things that we need to heed now as we are rip-roaring through the 21st century. ideas that we need to keep at the forefront of our discussions as we decide the direction of this--the greatest of all time--nation in november.

i think dylan said it best:

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'

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