i work in retail.
food retail.
which means that i deal with a lot of people.
which means that i deal with strange people.
and nice people.
the nice people make my day. it is always nice to have a conversation with someone that loves your products and enjoys the atmosphere and your way of doing business.
but it's the strange people that stick in your mind.
someone left 3 pennies behind from their change because, God knows, pennies are worthless.
i thanked her for being nice. she was a nice lady.
a couple people later, i had back change to a woman who said maybe 2 words to me during the entire transaction.
she proceeds to scoop up the 3 pennies and put them in her purse!
i watched her do it. she watched me watch her do it.
but i couldn't say a word.
but i was flabbergasted.
isn't that weird? it's not me that's weird, right? she should have left the pennies for someone that needed them, not her grubby tight-wad hands, right?
as long as i'm not the crazy one...
Good post.