

i am continually disappointed by the bush administration's environmental record. case in point, the EPA has decided that--under the clean air act--it does not have the authority to crub emissions of carbon dioxide or other so-called "greenhouse gases."

now, i am not totally sure about global warming. the changes may just be part of the earth's natural cycle, but i still don't see why my not buying into global warming should keep me from wanting less pollutants in the air.

power plants account for 40% of america's co2 production, another 20% from passenger vehicles. this ruling undermines a california law requiring automakers to lower global warming pollutants from cars and trucks.

the clean air act defines an air pollutant as any chemical or physical substance thrown into the air by human sources.
the bush epa has ruled carbon dioxide does not fit under that definition (the clinton epa had decided it did fit under that definition).

i just want common sense in the white house.
vote for reger november 8, 2016.

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