
ok. i'm an idiot. i messed up what i was going to say, so this is a continuation of my last post

in response to jeremy, i don't think it matters what you put in your blog. sure, some people maybe more astute at making observational humor or insightful comments, but who cares? just put what you want to put in your blog and ta-da! people will read it. the blog is the window into the soul--or something like that. we love reading anything about other people because we want to understand them (and validate our own neurotic tendencies at the same time). we are the first members of the digital generation, and we're still adjusting to instant communication (IM and cell phones) and virtually limitless information at our fingertips (the world wide web). we don't want to lose our touch with humanity--that warmth we feel while listening to our friends talk around the fire on a camping trip. and we've found that place in the digital void--the blog. this may sound corny, but think about it. here we can pour our hearts out to complete strangers, and they will do the same for us. we build circles of blogs that we read just as we build a circle of people that read our blog. we shrink the ever expanding world and make it something that we can feel and connect to. blogs are something the world has never seen before--open and honest communication accessible to millions around the globe instanteously. my God, think of the possibilities. so, jeremy, just put up whatever springs from the heart and mind, and you be content in the knowledge that you are doing exactly what a blogger does best--be human.

it's bedtime. to my fellow blog writers and readers, i'm glad we're all along for the ride.

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