
ok. i'm back from ocean city, maryland. and just let me say that i had a freakin awesome time. i would have written about it last night, but our ISP was down for "scheduled maintainence"--whatever that means in real geek speak, i can only conjecture. so sometime tonight i will post up the story of ocean city. in the same way i put up my NYC story. i want to put down all my roadtrips and vacations and adventures of that kind. not for posterity but for my own memory which tends to crap out on things of that nature.

someone tried to tell me that al gore did not invent the internet. wow. that just blew me away. i had no idea i was lied to. ;)

i'm under the impression that no one gossips about me--or, if they do, it's only to say "i love reger!" now, am i just naive about the way people work? or is it that i just assume that no one has anything bad to say about me? (which would probably be self-inflated importance in people's lives) or do i just not give a fuck about what random people think of me and i realize that my friends will tell me what's up to my face? i'm not a big fan of the first option. i think the 2nd one is probably what i think most of the time. cuz, i mean, what can you say bad about reger? *that is a rhetorical question* wouldn't that be nice, if it were true, though?

elisa baker, if you're reading this: i have no idea who you are either, but i enjoy reading your journal.

God's to the left, life's to the right
you're bouncing down the middle
just flow with the undertow, baby

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