
so the summer party weekend of debauchary went according to plan. there was much fun and many people. everything i wanted it to be. made the money back i fronted for the party, so i am pleased with that.
the weekend started off with me buying tons of food and supplies for saturday and me giving money to people so they could go out and buy beer for the rest of us. this went smoothly. after that, we went and made brownies at beka's place. illegal brownies, if you catch my drift. i only had a 1/2 of one, cuz i ate the rest of my shrooms left over from gathering of the vibes. eating them on an empty stomach may or may not have been a good idea. but it got me tripping pretty quickly. so we were chilling at beka's til lindsey called me and i wandered over to TKE. tripping while everyone else isn't, is a pretty cool experience. most people were drunk or stoned, but i was the only one that was freakin out of my mind. saturday came way too early. we got up, i went and picked up more stuff, we started partying. the band came and started playing around 3ish and they played quite a long set. and they were awesome. covers of all new stuff, but it was definately quality times at TKE. we started running low on beer and then this alumni named breer decided to give me $250 to go buy more beer. so i did. (he also bought like $100 worth of chinese later in the night for all the late night partiers. yea for alumni! but when we were bringing back the keg, the WPI cops saw us, and decided that we should throw it away. (cuz we're not supposed to have kegs, but that is a rant that i don't really feel like going into now). then they realized we weren't morons, and would just take the keg out when they left. so they made us take it off the premises. we brought it over to chuck's, and the party continued. i was too exhausted to stay up much past 1, so i crashed, and other people stayed up. i guess the party kind of ended around 5AMish. good enough for me

#1. sitting on the bench outside of the chopper with lindsey.
narc saying "reger is the standard of fucked up we all strive for"
the band singing to me (singing as in the "make him drink" song that all TKEs love so much)
chasing shea for some reason and falling down and skinning my knuckles.
getting a hangover necklace from cathe (it was alkaseltzer morning relief)
smoking a cuban that cathe got me in costa rica
going to bed saturday night completely and utterly exhausted because all was right with my little universe this weekend.

then there was sunday! got up, inspected the damage. half keg left. the floors sticky with beer sludge. and no dead bodies. we then did the firefly's all you can eat BBQ buffet for $10. stuffed myself silly. and i mean silly. came back, and started cleaning up the mess that was TKE. finished that. made my way up to the quad. watched people play soul caliber on dreamcast. i love kilik. then we started watching gladiator. sort of fell alseep in the chair (can you blame me?). megan came over, and we went to the park to chill and talk since i haven't seen much of her this summer. it was a good talk. rambled from subject to subject, but it was fun. and i remembered why she's such a good friend and why she needs to get back to worcester soon! so after that, it was back to TKE for a little bit and then back to the park for the free pops concert they were doign there. it was a tribute to disney last night. lindsey couldn't come cuz she was doing work, so when "under the sea" came on from the little mermaid, i called her and had her listen to it through my cell phone. isn't technology wonderful? after that, nate decided that we should play scrabble at the concert. so we did. me and beka won! down to the wire! we finished just as the concert ended. it was a fun evening.

then the part where boys do stupid things in large numbers came into play. a bunch of us decided to go to Honey Farms to bother mc d. on the walk there, we see this electric range sitting on the sidewalk waiting to be picked up by the garbage man. our idea is to gravity test it. so we go to ho fo, we buy some drinks, loiter for awhile. narc mentions that he has never seen me break stride. so steve chases me down trying to tag me in the nuts, but i'm quick like bunny. and narc sees me move. on the walk back we do decide to pick up the stove and gravity test it. we move the cars out of the driveway, and discuss how much damage the thing will do to the driveway and vice versea. driveway won the first round. and the 2nd round. and the 3rd round. so gravity works well still. we then brought it back to where we found it and left it there mangled and twisted and falling apart. i wish i could have seen the garbage man's face when he came to pick it up. "christ almighty! what did these people do to this? i expected this from the frat kids down the street..." hehe.

here comes the philosophical rant:
relationships seem to be the topic that a lot of people are discussing lately. and rightfully so, they define our entire lives. unless you go live in the woods by yourself, you will have to interact with other people. some people will get closer to you than others, while some become distant. some will fade in and out of your state of affairs, a few will stay there forever. and a couple you'll wish would just go away ;) but that's life. that's what we do as human beings. my relationships are important to me. i want to give back to other people as much as they give to me, but that sometimes is really hard, cuz i get so much out of my friends. much more than they realize they are giving to me. art told me that generation x (which we are on the tail end of) only keeps relationships as long as we need them to satisfy some kind of purpose. a means to an end. well, i'm anti that notion. my relationships are my ends. they are what i strive for. if someone wants to be my friend, let them come to me and be my friend. we'll find common interests. we'll find topics to debate. we'll get pissed at each other over stupid stuff, but--at the end of the day--we'll go to sleep knowing that we are friends. it's hard when friends are in disagreements with each other and i'm not in disagreement with either, and actually find both view points to be valid (or at least i understand the mechanisms as to why someone would feel and act they way they do). this is the true test of friendship. can you continue to be friends with both and try to help them both when they are upset at each other? i think you can. and that's what i try to do. random interruption: why do people trust me? is there something i give off that says "reger is a good guy, be his friend and he'll be there for you when you need it?" it just intrigues me. i need to know. my friends give me so much, that i can't really ever pay them back for all they have done for me. is that why? i have such a debt of friendship to pay off that i look to do it anytime anywhere? or is because i'm actually a good person? a person worthy of trust and respect and confidence? i find being called a good person is the most awkward compliment i can recieve. it makes me feel good, but i know that there is so much more i can do for that person before i even come close to be deserving of that kind of praise. life is so simple, yet such a mystery to me. i used to be amazed at every facet of life. every miniscule part that constituted the whole. i lost that for awhile. i no longer had the vim and vigor for amazement. i had lost my wonder. this summer brought it back. the simple act of breathing catches my wonder again. the cool feel of grass and earth on my skin make me giddy with awe. the bleakest day no longer holds anything but majestic beauty once again. and it's all due to my friends. you know who you are, and if you don't, let's remedy that. would've, could've, should've are unacceptable parts of my vocabulary. past actions or inactions are what make us what we are today. i could not be the person i am today without my past. you could not be the person i love without your past. my friends could not be my friends without their pasts. regret nothing. we are all moving towards something great, powerful, and amazing. it's called the future. just let it come. let the light of tomorrow wash over you and warm your heart and soul. and smile. it's going to be a beautiful life.

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