
the thunderstorm that went through today was slightly on the disappointing side. i think it was because me and abad spent a good portion of the afternoon tracking the radar and looking at weather reports waiting for the storm of the century to appear. but it didn't. it was impressive with the blackness and lightening. but i was hoping for the power to be knocked out so i wouldn't have to do work or any of that jazz.

it's almost august. which means it's time to start the last blasts of the summer up. do it up right people.

geek vs greek. this seems to be the common thread lately, so here's my ten cents. my two cents is free. nuisance? who sent? you sent for me?
wpi is a screwed up population to be talking about this topic at. the majority of the greeks are geeks. we just are. look at TKE, my favorite greek establishment. as my good friend arcolano likes to say, "TKE is the island of misfit toys." nothing could be closer to the truth. also i like to think of TKE as the geekiness of the tri-Lams mixed with the partying of the Delts (revenge of the nerds mixed with animal house for those of you that couldn't catch the references...). i am glad that chicks are getting the advice to go after the geeks. we're everywhere and we run the universe. we run the universe.

60 hours and counting... ;)

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