i was listening to the radio the other day and i heard a commercial that used the word "foodie."
the term is ridiculous. instead of gourmet or food lover we have to use a stupid slang term, "foodie."
even worse was the context of the commercial. it was for whole foods, and the context of the term was that "foodies" are eltist. it is food for God's sake.
everyone likes good food. people's tastes are different, but you give them a good version of their favorite meal, and they'll love it. that freaking simple.
i like cooking. i like using natural foods. i like using spices and seasonings to enhance my meals. but i also love wendy's and little debbie and saturated fat soaked in cholesterol.
maybe i am just nuts, but i think that our taste of food is not something we should be putting ourselves into eltist categories over.
food should bring us together.
and make us burp.