
mountain man takes bronze

this weekend was the special olympics basketball tournament at wpi. every year, tke runs the tournament--handles all the volunteers, does registration, all that jazz. it's one of the most rewarding things i do, and i think i'll be helping out special o for many years to come. the most fantastic aspect of the games is the way the athletes behave when it comes time to handing out awards and medals. it doesn't matter if they took dead last and didn't win a single game, they are still excited to be there and having the chance to compete--the true essence of sport. and for the last 3 years, i've had i think the most rewarding job at the games. i'm special events chairman, which boils down to opening ceremonies and awards ceremonies. this year i had the bad boy chris sim helping out, so we rocked it hardcore. but it's the most rewarding job because you get to see the happiness when the teams are announced and cheered and celebrated for competing, no matter their finish. it's the best part of games, and i'm glad i've had the chance to do it multiple times. two highlights of the weekend were these: on saturday belmont won the gold in their division and when the medals were all handed out, one of the athletes asked to have the mike, and i have no problem letting the people speak. he gives thanks to their coach and how they'll miss him since he was done coaching after this tournament. the whole team then proceeded to take their medals off and place them around the coaches neck. it was one of the coolest things i've ever seen. the second was on sunday when the stompers were playing (i didn't catch where they were from), and they had this one guy on the team. we called him mountain man, cuz of the ridiculously huge gray beard he had. besides being mentally handicapped, he was also deaf. but that didn't stop him from having game. the guy was the man. insane d. he was making steals and play tough defense better than anyone else i had seen. and in one game he scored 20 of the team's 34 points. insane! so when it came to their final game, they had to win to take 3rd (which meant bronze medal instead of a ribbon). now, i shouldn't be cheering against another team, but i wanted to see mountain man get his medal. and he did. and how happy he looked at the awards ceremony made the gettting up at 6am and spending 10+ hours on both sat and sun made it all worth it. the atheletes embodied what it was to enjoy life and be happy in the simple pleasure of sport. i take my hat off to you, special olympians, and i hope you a long and healthy one



so i took about 4 myer briggs/keirsey temperment tests today and all of them came back as me being ENTP. which is cool with me.
here's a good test to see what you are
here's my description and a site that describes them all.

"Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. The professor who juggles half a dozen ideas for research papers and grant proposals in his mind while giving a highly entertaining lecture on an abstruse subject is a classic example of the type. So is the stand-up comedian whose lampoons are not only funny, but incisively accurate.

ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills. They tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. They sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport.

ENTPs are as innovative and ingenious at problem-solving as they are at verbal gymnastics; on occasion, however, they manage to outsmart themselves. This can take the form of getting found out at "sharp practice"--ENTPs have been known to cut corners without regard to the rules if it's expedient -- or simply in the collapse of an over-ambitious juggling act. Both at work and at home, ENTPs are very fond of "toys"--physical or intellectual, the more sophisticated the better. They tend to tire of these quickly, however, and move on to new ones.

ENTPs are basically optimists, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), they tend to become extremely petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they tend to regard as challenges, and tackle with determin- ation.) ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. However, they do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general.

In terms of their relationships with others, ENTPs are capable of bonding very closely and, initially, suddenly, with their loved ones. Some appear to be deceptively offhand with their nearest and dearest; others are so demonstrative that they succeed in shocking co-workers who've only seen their professional side. ENTPs are also good at acquiring friends who are as clever and entertaining as they are. Aside from those two areas, ENTPs tend to be oblivious of the rest of humanity, except as an audience -- good, bad, or potential.

Extraverted iNtuition
ENTPs are nothing if not unique. Brave new associations flow freely from the unconscious into the world of the living. Making, discovering and developing connections between and among two or more of anything is virtually automatic. The product of intuition is merely an icon of process; ENTPs are in the business of change, improvement, experimentation.
The attraction Extraverted iNtuition has toward the real and physical amounts to a cosmic non sequitur: theory is drawn to practice. Such encounters are clearly puzzling. Both parties--the intuitor and the realist--are aware of a xenic quality in their meeting, with reactions ranging from recoil to reverie.

Introverted Thinking
Thinking is iNtuition's ready assistant, an embodiment of the sort of logic found in laws, boards and circuits. Thinking's job is to lend focus and direction to iNtuition's critical mass. The temporary habitations of changeling iNtuition are constructed of Boolean materials from Thinking's storehouse. Ultimately, Thinking is no match for iNtuition's prodigiousness. Systems lie in various states of disarray, fragmentary traces of Thinking's feverish attempts to shadow and undergird the leaps of the dominant function. One can only suppose that Thinking must continue to work during REM sleep pulling together iNtuition's brainchildren into integral wholes.

Extraverted Feeling
To the extent that Feeling is developed, ENTPs extravert Feeling judgment. As a result, it is not uncommon to find affability and bonhomie in members of this species. Tertiary functions are potentially utilitarian. Their limitations appear in their relative underdevelopment, diminished endurance, and vulnerability. ENTPs may harness Feeling's good will in areas such as sales, service, drama, humor and art. ENTP loyalty often runs high and can be hooked by those the ENTP counts as friends.

Introverted Sensing
Like a tail on the kite of iNtuition, Introverted Sensing counterweighs these beings drawn to nonconformity and anarchy. These shadowy sensory forms, so familiar to SJ types, serve as lodestones which many ENTPs employ Herculean measures to escape. "Question authority! (then do exactly what it tells you)" sums up the dilemma in which ENTPs may find themselves by attempting to best the tarbaby Sensing. Occasionally acknowledging awareness of norms and abnormality could, in theory, be potentially freeing.
Additionally, I've noticed that ENTPs have the need to have areas of expertise/excellence/uniqueness in which one is second to none. I've never beaten an ENTP at his/her own game--not in the final analysis.


short hiatus

there were problems with our internet server here at tke. we got new carriers, and it was causing some problems with the dns and ip. i don't know what that stuff means, but i know it's fixed. i am not that internet savvy at all. i couldn't tell you the difference between dns and stmp (or smtp, if that's correct). i know how to go on the internet and make webpages at places that already host them. ask me to set up a host and do that crazy stuff or write php or xhtml, i'm like a lost puppy with those cute hungry eyes that you just can't resist and you have to pick him up and hold him and pet him til his tail is all a-waggin' and he's licking your face like there's no tomorrow. that's what i'm like.
but i'm back on internet and i'm good to go with the continual blogging. and i was just starting to get my readers back, when it went all downhill, but hopefully they are loyal and will excuse this technical mishap.

war: what is it good for? absolutely nothing. say it again.
i will continue my position of supporting our troops but not our president. i am going to hold this position and hold a cynical view of our reasons to be there until they--and i am skeptical they actually will--find bio or chem weapons. then i would offer my apologies, admit i was wrong, and ask for a regime change. until that happens, i will continue to contend that saddam was not a threat to the usa or a threat to stability in the region or a pool of terrorist activity towards the west. i hope and pray our troops make it home alive and those that are captured are released well and soon. and those that have lost loved ones, i offer my moment of silence for the fallen.

both the minnesota timberwolves and the minnesota wild are going to make their respective playoffs this year. it's good time to be a sports fan from minnesota. and baseball starts this weekend. wickedy-bam!

another internet problem. blogger is fucking my shit up. i try to add people to my list of blogs, i try to change some other stuff, and it won't accept my changes. it just doesn't change it. when i look in my template, the changes are there, but it doesn't actually change them. what the shit is that? you would think that a major corporation like this could handle a small problem like that and fix it? (i enjoy pyra's blogger and i'm glad they have it, but let's have a bit of followthrough!)



i just got a VB string error in blogger. i lost this huge post i had written. seeing red right now, so i'll blog later.



one st patrick's day p@rty and 5 hours of sleep later, i'm just interested in taking a nap.
blade 2 and a couch.


more politics

Socialist - You believe the free market can be
beneficial, but that a large and powerful state
is necessary to redistribute the wealth of the
top classes to those of the bottom. You also
think that basic utilities and trasportation
should be publicly owned. Your historical role
model is Eugene Debs.

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

this guy presents a very interesting argument

blog of a correspondent in iraq

the pro-war side speaks out

english sans french

another poster for peace

what's with the eye?

this article is a fairly liberal minded one about sex of the uncomfortable kind

just kind of weird

and thanks to jeremyfor the political link of the day


the beast

well, after a few days rest, the volare is back up and running. she just needed a jump start. and some connections to be tightened up so the electrical system stays together. all in all, she's doing just fine. an oil change is on the horizon, plus a wash. and why is that guys call cars "she"? is it because we fall in love with them, and we give them a female persona to match our human relationships? or is it because cars are tempermental and require lots of maintanence and money? the world may never know...

this is why i hate the mass media:
"The media coverage was prompted by a bull shark biting off the arm of an 8-year-old boy on a Florida beach July 6, 2001. Overnight, shark bites and sightings became major international news, triggering countless TV news reports and front-page stories and culminating in the Weekly World News tabloid declaring: 'Castro trained killer sharks to attack U.S.'
Lost in the hoopla was the fact that in 2001 there were 13 fewer attacks worldwide than the year before, Burgess said. The same year, four human deaths were linked to shark bikes compared with 13 in 2000, he added."
(my emphasis)

old school link of the day: twinkies project



so my creation of minnesota hash today was met with a lot of success. it is tatertots topped with an egg/bacon mixture covered in cheese then baked. it is fantasically delicious. when people saw it though, they were a bit skeptic. it is just this yellowish brick that tastes yummy. so mcd said we should call it "brick o' breakfast" (for the record, he thought it looked nasty, but tasted delicious). he was complaining cuz "half of taste is presentation" my very regeresque response "but it tastes good. eat it" only one dislike, but i don't think he's much of a breakfast food fan to begin with.
my culinary experiment continues going well. it's been fun so far, and i'm glad i've had this opportunity to cook for the house cuz it's been a good horizon-expanding experience.

procrastination link of the day



now that i'm old enough and intelligent enough to understand politics, this aggression towards iraq angers me. i will do my part by standing up and letting my voice be heard.

spread the message
write your congressman
contact your senator

even if you support the war on iraq, make your voice heard. i may not agree with your totally, but that's your right. and that is what makes america great. day and day out i get to comment on my government--good and bad. i am a patriot. i love the consitution. i love the flag. i love america.

apathy is the destruction of all.

the future is now


i return from exile in triumph!

i was kicked out of my room for the weekend for the tke officer retreat. i was so kind of pissed about it cuz i wasn't informed of the exile until saturday during the day. i was so angry that i went rollerskating with carla.

yep, we went to starlite roller rink in worcester at 648 park ave. it was good times. it was so much like the roller rink back home that i went to as a kid. it's good to see that some things never change. the 13 yr olds were still there doing their petty junior high popularity control shit. i was twice the average age. there were some moms skating with their kids and stuff. ever seen mallrats? remember lafluers? the security guard? well, he works at starlite now. this guy at the roller rink looked just like him. he had the beard and the crossed arms and stern look. it was classic. he was getting a lot of attention from all the moms, though. he was definately working the scene. it was intense. what was also intense was how bad i am at roller skating. i can't seem to get the knack of pushing off on my left foot. i'm completely horrible at it. it took me almost the whole time we were there to get used to skating again. then one of the wheels fell off my skate. that sucked. then i fell down another time and busted the band on my watch. that sucked too. but spending the afternoon with carla was good times. it was good to spend a lot of time with her over break, since i'm sure she'll get busy with school and agd and all the bustle of everyday life.

one week til war with iraq. set your tivos!



after a stressful half hour this morning at ticketmaster.com, we were able to score 4(!) tickets to jimmy buffet on aug 28, 2003 at tweeter center. i can't wait. we're going to rock out hardcore. i was at one two summers ago, and let me tell you, that was a quality freakin time. i'm glad that we got tickets. last year, the whole thing fell through, but this year! this year is the year, man.


gotta share this with everyone

thansk to chuck for passing this my way.
world of ends

so maybe that telegraph article about war starting march 17 was that far off. the brits are to introduce an amendment to the us resolution that calls for march 17 to be the deadline for "full, unconditional, immediate cooperation." otherwise iraq "will have failed to take the final opportunity" to disarm. and that means the bombs start flying! set your calenders kiddies. the cable news channels are so prepared to jump the cost of advertising on march 17.

in better news for humanity, the internet book list has started up. modest for now, i'm sure it will grow in the future and given a year or so, we're going to be rockin out to the internet book list as well as we do to the imdb

the reason for an unclear perception of reality is the predisposition of our mind and senses to view our four-dimensional universe (of space-time) as a three-dimensional consciousness. think about that one, boy-o


keep on rockin' in the free world

fantasy camp, er...spring break is going nicely. still haven't done much of anything productive. i did dishes last night and cleaned up. but that was because we were getting a funky smell going on up here in the quad. it had to be remedied fast.

saw chicago last night with carla. i thought it was a fantastic film. not big into musicals much, but the visual styling of this movie was just fantastic. big props to richard gere, renee zellweger and catherine zeta-jones-douglas. good choice for best picture nomination. still on the list to go see is life of david gale, gods and generals (which is based on a fantastic book by jeff shaara) and, of course, cradle 2 the grave starring jet li and dmx.

this is a great story. a guy in ny makes a t-shirt that reads "give peace a chance" at one of those mall kiosks and gets arrested for trespassing because he wouldn't take it off. then the mall decides to drop charges when on wednesday about 100 demonstrators show up protesting the guy's arrest. this is what i'm talking about, america. citizens making a difference by standing up for what they believe in. the revolution is at hand.

and this is just plain fantastic. in a rematch of the '96 presidential run, clinton/dole will be matching up on 60 minutes for a revival of the point/counterpoint segment. is anyone else just giddy with anticipation? clinton/dole in primetime! hoo-ah!

to combat the increases in counterfeiting technology, us money will get another facelift.

this is the kind of stuff that makes geeks drool. this will be attempted soon

score another point for the proponents of the legalization of marijuana. NORML chapter gets publicity by sponsering adopt-a-highway

i might actually buy an suv because of what ford is doing. the escape suv will be sold at a loss with a hybrid engine.

it's up to you on how much you want to believe this daily telegraph story. but it claims it has information from a senior british goverment source saying that the war in iraq will be starting march 17 and hopefully end by april 10. i'm a bit wary of this story, but it piques my interest enough to pass it along.

well, it's snowing outside, i haven't eaten lunch and i have video games to play. til next time: take care of yourself and each other.


state of world affairs

an article i read last night at cnn made me even more upset over the way the current administration is handling foreign policy. i will begin by saying that i am in support of weapons inspections in iraq and opposed to this us lead movement for "regime change" in baghdad. the bush white house has made the argument that 1)saddam has weapons of mass destruction. 2) he uses them against his own people, so what would stop him for using them on us? 3) he is linked to al qaeda.
these are fine and valid arguments, but let's make sure they are actually true. and if they are true, let's apply them to other nations as well, and not just one that will benefit us economically (ie, iraq's oil reserve).
ok, iraq has some missles. north korea has started up their nuclear progam again, and they have said that a us attack will lead to "nuclear disasters." saddam does attack kurds and punishes his own people. but the us was in negotiations with turkey to use their airspace and country as a base of attack into northern iraq. the last i heard, one of turkey's problems with being let into the eu was their human rights violations against the kurds. but turkey is willing to help us get our oil, so it's ok that they do the same thing as saddam. and there has been no evidence presented that i believe shows saddam is linked to al qaeda. as far as i know, saddam is quite happy ruling his little chunk of the middle east and staying a major player on the internation stage by pissing us off all the time. saddam has shown no signs of aggression towards the us in any blatant manner (the radar locks and slight skirmishes in the no-fly zones don't count in my opinion as it's our fault that there are no-fly zones). whilst the n. koreans have been actively engaging us military recon planes in the sea of japan. it upsets me that we can have such a hypocrisy in our foreign policy. iraq is complying (albeit slowly and hesitantly) with dipolmatic solutions and we continue to push military action upon them. n. korea actively pursues a weapons of mass destruction program (read: nukes), engages us in an aggressive, premeditated manner and all we do is say we will continue in the diplomatic arena? oh, i forgot, n.korea doesn't have any natural resources that the united states wants. i wouldn't be satiated with a policy of military action across the globe whenever someone pissed us off, but at least it would be consistent and no longer hypocritical. until the current administration can present an arguement as to why a country that might have nukes, chem, and bio weapons is more of a danger than a country that has said they are restarting their nuke program and could have the bomb within 12 months; i will continue to question their decisions and i will be quite vocal about it. that's my duty as an american citizen.

how pissed are you?
slightly upset:a protest organization, move on
really angry:impeachment movement of george w. bush
ready to stab:muffin films


rainy day

today is just one of those gray days where it's just chilly enough outside to make it not worth your while to go out. but it's quite not shitty enough to make staying inside the only option. it's an in-between day where you're not going to be quite happy doing anything you are doing. it's like you have add or it's slightly more rambunctious (sp?) cousin, adhd. movies are too long, video games too cerebal, board games too manual, and tv commericial breaks just too far between. i don't quite know what to do with this day. it'll probably be spent on the couch hanging out with carla doing whatever i can focus my newborn monkey attention span upon.

news of the day:top al qaeda official in custody
fun of the day: make your mouth bling bling