
the beast

well, after a few days rest, the volare is back up and running. she just needed a jump start. and some connections to be tightened up so the electrical system stays together. all in all, she's doing just fine. an oil change is on the horizon, plus a wash. and why is that guys call cars "she"? is it because we fall in love with them, and we give them a female persona to match our human relationships? or is it because cars are tempermental and require lots of maintanence and money? the world may never know...

this is why i hate the mass media:
"The media coverage was prompted by a bull shark biting off the arm of an 8-year-old boy on a Florida beach July 6, 2001. Overnight, shark bites and sightings became major international news, triggering countless TV news reports and front-page stories and culminating in the Weekly World News tabloid declaring: 'Castro trained killer sharks to attack U.S.'
Lost in the hoopla was the fact that in 2001 there were 13 fewer attacks worldwide than the year before, Burgess said. The same year, four human deaths were linked to shark bikes compared with 13 in 2000, he added."
(my emphasis)

old school link of the day: twinkies project

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