
november 6, 2006--a monday like any other monday

as i sit on the couch wrapped in a quilt that is a gift from carla's mom, i savor my day off.

knowing--because trader joe's follows the european calendar with monday beginning the week--today is a day off sandwiched between 8 work days, the next 5 consecutive.

knowing--because i didn't fall asleep until 5 am--today is a day wasted because i didn't get up until 1:30 and i haven't left the couch since then.

except for a bathroom break.


i hope that everyone gets out and votes.

democrat, republican, green, socialist, communist.


just get out and vote.

for the democrats.

cuz they can't screw the country up more than it has been in the last 6 years!

and if you live in massachusetts vote yes on 1.

not only will it make it easier for you to get boozed up, it helps my company make more money, which means greater job security.

thank you for your support.


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  3. Uhhhhh, you've got some interesting comments on your blog. Although better than the ones that say in non-grammatical English that you should visit their blog where they write poetry.

    I don't have contact information for you anymore. Hotmail randomly decided I didn't need the account I've had for ten years and I lost lots of addresses and all sorts of emails that I kept for sentimental reasons. Bastards.

    I thought of you for two reasons. Well, one stretched into two. 1. My cousin is going to WPI next year... at least she got in there and they want to give her beaucoup bucks to attend. Damn smarty. 2. I drove past your parents' house three or four times last weekend, and I'd think to myself, "that's where reger lived, he went to WPI. I wonder how he is." So drop me a line, alenshek@gmail.com and tell me how you are.
