i've rocked out 3 documentaries and one movie this morning. before we get to may marathon, i have to say i love the netflix streaming combined with the wii.
i never tried out the streaming before because i don't really like watching movies/tv on computers, but with the wii disk i can do the instant streaming on my tv! the little screen of a computer (i know, they make massive widescreen monitors, but f that.) just does not cut it for me.
don't judge me:
the auteur is a movie about a porn director. it was filmed here in portland. one of my coworkers also has a bit part in the movie. only one line, but closest i come to knowing a moving pictures actor.
i gave it a 4/5 on my netflix.
i.o.u.s.a. is a documentary about the federal debt and how screwed we are. it's kind of a lovefest about fudiciary responsibility. also, george w bush ruined everything good and holy that bill clinton managed to create during the 8 years of americas golden age.
food, inc. is basically a book report on fast food nation and the omnivore's dilemma. while i enjoyed both books and the movie of fast food nation was pretty good, i didn't really learn anything new. or have my viewpoint changed: we, as a society, are fucked.
nerdcore rising is a docu about the nerdcore subgenre of hiphop. it follows the "king" of nerdcore, mc frontalot. it seems that nerdcore is filled with white geeks that have an ability to rhyme. and to rhyme about geek and nerd topics: computers, internet porn, magic: the gathering. basically the things that would make a top 10 list of my interests. i did not even know this genre existed, but it is now my favorite genre right behind acoustic surfer indie and just above indie bands with hot female singers.
i like this blog very much.