
last night i went into boston with couture and 3 alumni--baribeau, al, and my big bro blomberg! oh, and dools stopped by at chris's before we went into town. it was good times. we went to this place tia's (sp?) and the place was pretty kicking. not bad service or scenery either. i had a couple jack and cokes and then me and couture drove back to worcester, grabbed artie and mcdevitt and hit the kenmore. art owns the britney spears cd. i called him a sally. other than that little episode it was a good time last night. tonight should be pretty good, too.

alrighty, it's off to work! i'll blog lata


so stef and lindsey and comalley came by tonight. good times. we smashed a watermelon. it was interesting. watermelons have no elasicity (sp?). i thought that was cool. as cool as a nerd can find the non-elasicity of watermelons.

this looks like a job for me
so everybody hip just follow me
cuz we need a little bit controversy
cuz it feels so empty without me

"i doubt you have problems with many people"--some people have a way of making me feel good about myself just at the moment i'm not feeling that great about myself

so shakira has one sexy voice. on that song "underneath your clothes", oh man, i can't get enough of her voice. i don't know what it is about it, but it's almost siren-like in it's richness. i don't even care that she's like some kind of sex symbol. just her voice is enough to drive me crazy. i can't get enough of that song. does anyone know her? i want to find out if she sounds that good when she is just talking normally.

i love basketball playoffs. both conference finals have been amazing series. both are 3-2, with both of teams i want to win ahead. Kings vs Nets is what i want for NBA finals to be. vlade flopping. cwebb missing easy passes. jason kidd dropping the hammer like no other. mike bibby doing the bibby thing. oh man, it's going to be good.

so saturday is June 1st. that means the first day of the BWAD attack on reger's health. what is the BWAD attack you ask? it's a four-pronged attack at making me sexier and increasing my life span.

B--butts--no more: i'm finally convinced that the government has amassed enough evidence that smoking is bad for your health

W--weight--190 by Aug 15: i need to look good for all the freshmen hotties come in. oh who am i kidding? i just want my pants to fit again...

A--alcohol: none til McD's Bday on June 28: i haven't been sober more than a week since i came to college. i need to prove that i can be sober.

D--drugs: none for at least a month: why? just to see if i can

don't think i can do it? that's where you are wrong. spite is a powerful motivator in my life. i'll do things just to prove others wrong. i'm very good at it. TKE hones that skill quite well.

so i came up with my dream job: editorial columnist. like for a major newspaper or syndicated nation-wide. so if anyone has an connections at newspaper, let me know. i'll take any in. maybe i'll get a masters in journalism. that's great. bachelor's in math and physics. masters in journalism. i think i'll get a PhD in 18th century French poetry then.

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." --Jacques Prévert


today couldn't have gone any better.

we BBQed, and god waited until we were done cooking to let the heavens open and drop torrential downpour on us. and since we were all feeling good from porch beirut we decided that playing in the rain would be a good way to spend some time. so we did. we blocked off the street with a couch to make a big puddle and then we threw soaking wet couch coushins (sp?) at each other. then the rain stopped, so we watched the celts game, which was actually really good. some people attempted decade, the rest of us laughed. then we watched super troopers. a very underrated movie, i must say. i laughed a lot. "don't forget to cup the balls" haha. classic. now it's 10:30 and my weekend is complete. i don't think it could have gone any better than it did. it was filled with friends, fun, and some good insight. this is the way that i want every day of my life to be. relaxing, engaging, and theraputic. i can't wait for the next weekend.

i think my weeks this summer will be nothing to reflections on past weekends and looking towards the next saturday and sunday when i have no responsibilities save for having fun and enjoying the company of my friends


besides my finger, i've had a good day today.

i bought some kitchen utensils, a frying pan, and a cutting board (half of what i own is the same stuff as jpabad... muwhahaha).

i generally like my life, i just worry about the lack of direction. and whenever i talk to people about it, i end up going from "eh, i don't care" to "man, i hate my life" to "god damn, i'm going to make a difference and do something with my potential." and it's usually just one comment that gets me from the second one to the 3rd one. and this time it was this comment: "But I know that what ever I think of, you've already thought of."

i love my friends. i don't show it enough, but i do. even the ones still in the midwest. ;)
i slammed my middle finger on my right hand in a window this morning. it's hard to type when you can't use one of your fingers. and it hurts alot. son of a bitch.


ok, so another cute girl told me to keep the beard. but she wants to know what i think about the beard. and honestly at 2:30 in the morning, i couldn't tell you. let me think about this a bit more.

oh, man, i've done a lot of writing tonight. i added 3 more essays to my web site. these ones are good, too. i'm very happy with the way they turned out. i still have a couple more to write, but they can wait til tomorrow. i am starting to get a bit sleepy.

so today was a good day. i got up. showered. i love showering. i like the solitude, the heat of the water, me alone in my thoughts. it's very soothing and relaxing. the most relaxing part of my day is my shower. so after that, me and mcD drove to northampton to pick up a new mixer for the house that i bought off of ebay. so that was a nice roadtrip. we discussed things and enjoyed the freaking awesome day that we had today. then we came back here and then we went and saw the movie isomnia. excellent movie. al pacino did an absolutely amazing job with it. oscar worthy. and the movie isn't quite what you expect from the commercials. it's better.

then me, nate, and steve hung out in my room and watched TV and played mindtrap. it was good times all around. not a very exciting day, but a good day. and that's all i want out of my days. a feeling of "hey, today was pretty damn good" when my head hits the pillow (on the couch, of course).

monday is memorial day. a day to honor the fallen soldiers that have preserved our way of life here in america. i plan on celebrating by BBQ and enjoying the day with my most precious possession--my friends. you know where to fnd me. i suggest you make your way here.

good lord, i need to go to sleep. til we meet again!
alright. i got my answer on the beard. an attractive girl told me not to grow one, so we'll cut back on the facial hair.
god knows i can't resist a pretty face.


"My contribution to productivity at my job is to refrain from giving my co-workers the severe beatings they so richly deserve." — Gene B.

this is true at my work, except it's to beat down the people that work for WebMD. i spend more time on hold with them than i do getting answers, and the answers i do get are not to the questions that i asked. is it that hard to answer the question "What value are looking for to be in the BA0 field 15?" i mean, for most people, that makes no sense. but when this is your job! this is what you do 8 hours a day, 5 days a week! come on, people. i hate capitalism.

art golik turns 21 in 1 hour 29 minutes as of right now. he will feel the pain.

so i have gotten 2 negative responses on the beard thing. do i really look that bad in a beard? is there some look that i have that makes me sexy? and what exactly is this look? i need answers people. and i need them fast

how many of you can cook scrambled eggs. i know someone that can't. i won't name names, but it was a surprise.

i love oreos.


ok. i need to get something off my chest: i HATE sleeping on beds. i don't know what it is about them, but i just don't like crawling into a bed to go to sleep. i want to sleep in a recliner, or better yet--a couch. a couch may just be the greatest place to sleep. naps, passing out drunk, normal sleep, it's all good on a couch. i just don't like beds.

i don't think i'm funny anymore. it used to be that i was a riot. now, i've just kind of degenerated into this scathing sarcasm instead of witty banter. i don't know what to make of this. i also don't know when or why it happened. but i don't like it. no sir, not one bit. so i'm going to try to stop being such a sarcastic ass and work on real humor. situational irony, self-depreciating remarks, classic one-liners. it's coming back baby! i will be the funniest man alive, next to bill clinton. he's a laugh a minute.

going back to the sleep conversation. i don't like sleeping with socks on either. i would rather have my feet be freezing cold than to wear socks while sleeping (on a couch). in fact, i don't want to wear socks at all. i like being barefoot. that's why being a hobbit would be kick ass. you don't have to wear shoes.

good article on alcohol

speaking of websites. i have one
i think i'll use that to put up full essays on certain topics, but i'll use my blog to put my random thoughts and feelings (maybe rants and raves--like the title, even!).

oh, and i'm going to grow a beard


i figure i might as well join the blog revolution. i'm just too lazy to update my website. so maybe i won't be with this. but who am i kidding? this will last maybe a week. but someone should tell me i can't make it a week, and i'll make it last the rest of my life out of spite. you know how anger turns bruce banner into the incredible hulk? spite turns me into a productive human being. i like nothing better than proving people wrong. why? it makes me feel better about myself, and it raises my selfesteem. which, surprisingly enough, usually isn't that great. but that's a whole other topic all together.

so i'm chilling in worcester for the summer. just doing the work thing at athenahealth in waltham. living it up with my TKE boys and any other WPI people that happen to stop by.

quietly you say to me, time has come for you to be alive again.
summer's coming and i'd like a review. summer's coming and i'd like a review.

"so why don't you just ask her out?"
"cuz of Leo Durocher"
"you know, 'nice guys finish last.'"
"but you're an asshole."
"but only to my friends!"