
monday, monday

well, another weekend come and gone. only 2 left of the summer and they are already spoken for. it really has been the greatest summer ever, and plenty of other people are echoing that sentiment around my little universe, so it's all good.

this weekend brought me, shakes, nate, and steve down to hershey, PA to visit one cal reese and enjoy another roadtrip. we got there at 4am after having one of those powerful life affirming conversations that will help each of us battle through this mire we call life. we got up the next morning to breakfast provided by the mom unit. quality. then free passes to Hershey Park. it was pretty cool. cal used us to spy on the carnies and try to bust them for stealing money or giving stuff away for free. we got one kid to give us a bunch of stuff, and he ended up being escorted off the premises. boo to the yah. this other kid we almost had, but steve ended up actually winning the game, so it kind of messed up our sympathy plot to get free stuff. then we got loaded off a couple beers. being extremely dehyrdated and in 95 degree humid heat, we didn't have to have that many. we also spent the entire afternoon arguing the physics of rollercoasters and we came to the conlusions that negative gs are the important part of any coaster ride, and we proved--with math and physics yippee!!!--that the back of the train will experience the most neg gs and so you should sit back there. cal's mom told us that "everyone knows that. it's common sense" but we were all excited cuz we proved it. we even backed it up by riding this kickass rollercoaster a couple times and changing where we sat each time. quality. we went back to cal's and chilled. next day we woke up to find breakfast laid out by the mom unit again. God bless her. we then decided that hey, baltimore is only little over an hour away, and that's where fred tan lives. so we called him up and left him a message. we went into baltimore, so the sketchy part, found the wharf area, had dinner and rocked it. on our way out, we got a call from fred tan, but we needed to get back to worcester. the ride home was just cracked out. all of us were suffering from spending too much time together on very little sleep. it was quality. but cracked out. story much better in person.

got back to woo-town and was delighted to see my good friend from sandwich was here. chilled in the quad with lindsey, artie and regan and then went to bed at 4.

checked out the finaicial aid situation this morning and chilled in the quad some more and i was upset that all of the unemployed people were going to chill out all day and not really do anything. the dream life i have been trying to achieve for years. bastards. but tonight should be fun and tomorrow should be fun and wednesday i'm picking up bat-ted and bringing him to worcester, then it's retreat time.

no rambling, witty philosophical insight today only that friends are more important to me than everything else combined and i'm glad i have the ones i do.

peace, i'm out!

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