
superheroes, anti-heroes and heroes

heroes is one of the best tv shows out there right now.

the characters are well-written, the plot is engaging, and the actors are pretty decent.

one of my favorite daydreams is one where i'm a superhero of some sort.

if i was on heroes, i would want to be peter petrelli.

if i were in x-men, i would want to be cyclops.

if i were in the fantastic-four, i would want to be dr. reed.

or there is batman. through his sheer will and intelligence, he fights for justice.

and can't forget about spiderman. the ultimate hero. a geek that becomes a hero. the dream of every boy.

i think i daydream about being these characters because they are so much bigger-than-life. here is a struggle that must be won for the sake of mankind. and they are the few people in the world that realize the importance of being involved in this struggle.

my worries are 1) not angering carla, 2) keeping my job, 3) and do the cats have food?

when i have an off day, i don't get all my chores done and the cats meow at me.

being a hero and having an off day means people die.

when i have a great day, maybe a handful of people recognize and appreciate it.

being a hero and having a great day means the world appreciates it.

i guess it's just economies of scale, but my low-grade megalomania wants, needs, that.

even if i just keep inside my imagination.


  1. dude you're back!

    i agree, my vain need for attention keeps me dreaming of jumping into a pool of nuclear waste

    although id hope for some telepathy or telekineses.


  2. How can I live with you and not realize you were blogging again?

    About that day off- when you don't finish your chores it'll be a lot more than the kitties meowing that you'll hear. fair warning :)
