
another week lost to laziness and procrastination

well, not really lost. i know where it went. it was sucked out by the couch. the blue couch. the comfy, comfy blue couch. someday i might be able to resist it's seductive charm. but until i get the will-power; i will forever be a slave to it's nap-forcing ways.

so i stole jon abad's idea to use the names of people instead of the titles of their blogs. bring on the intellectual property war!

why can't you just get a shot that imparts all the knowledge you need for a certain career? you just drop a few grand on it, and bam! you're an electrical engineer. you don't like it, you just order up another shot and bam! you're a food historian. i would like that. i just feel that i've gone too far to change my college path, but i don't think i want to be a scientist anymore. what i do want is still a large mystery to me. actually, scratch that. i know exactly what i want. $10 million. then i could just mooch myself all day everyday. i need to win publisher's clearinghouse.

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