
it's tricky to rock a rhyme that's right on time; it's tricky

matthew shea has finally joined the ranks of legal drinkers. my God have mercy upon his soul.

so last week me and carla went to the airport to look at the lights of worcester and to see the stars. you can actually notice the milky way up by the airport, it's almost like being back home. but anyway, there are these giant lights up behind the airport. like stadium lights. that intermittently light up and illmuniate (sp?) everything. they are pretty freaky. i think they are part of an elaborate goverment plot to do something sinister. the sign we found said they were for FAA traffic control. likely story. i am going to steal that sign someday, though. oh yes. it will be mine.

i spent 7 hours doing my chem thermo homework and i got a 14/20. what the fuck?

saturday was the TKE 007 p@rty. quality times once again. we just have this way of making everything we do a good time. there was much funneling during the preparty and during the party. there are way to many stories to tell. the space here just wouldn't do them justice. i'm just so proud of my boys.

hypocrisy really bothers me. especially when it comes from people in a position of responsibility. i know i've been a hypocrite myself, and i'm not proud of those moments, and i do try not to be one. but when you explicity say that we are going to do something (or NOT do something), you can't get mad at people for going out and doing what you said was kosher. it makes no sense. it makes it a lot harder to think that you "deserve respect" for being an authority figure when you can't even decide which of your own decisions to follow. argh.

on to a happy note, i am dating one extremely amazing girl right now and as long as she doesn't get tired of putting up with me, i'll always be around ;)

Well you're in your little room
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started
sitting in your little room

white stripes "little room"

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