
another day hungover at work

the fact that i have to get up and drive an hour to work every wednesday has not kept me from getting utterly and totally smashed every possible tuesday night. like last night, for example. i was hammered. nothing spectacular happened, i just got smashed. and i paid for it on the commute. but my blueberry poptart and starbucks doubleshot espresso drink sure calmed the stomach and helped keep me awake. i'm also glad that people gently cajole me to get out of bed and go to work, cuz otherwise i would just stay in bed a couple extra hours--roughly 13--and miss work every week.

again, relationships are topics of blogs i regularly read, so here's my latest tidbit of regerism:

sidenote: what if regerism actually becomes a legitimate philosophy/religion/cult/talkshow someday? that would blow my mind. and everyone's that has ever met me, too. i shudder to think that someday humanity will look to me for guidance.

when discussing relationships, i go back to my earlier model: guys are stupid, girls are crazy. i still haven't come up with the proper algorithm for determing said level, but the basic premise should be kept in mind. i have very little stress in my life. if i ever have any, it's usually self-induced (like worrying if i'm going to boot before i can find the porcelain altar). the reason for my low stress level, anytime i deal with a female, i know that no matter how much sense she makes, there will be one point, where she will do something that completely flabbergasts me. i write it off to one of two things: 1) she really is crazy, and this is just your run-of-the-mill-neurotic-for-some-reason-i-collect-sewing-needles-dropped-by-WW1-vets type of thing. or 2) i'm just too stupid to understand her actions/tone/large vocabulary. also, not all TKEs are running away from longterm relationships, some have weathered storms with their significant others, and others are just entering relationships that are (hopefully!) going to be long-term. TKEs are stupid, but some are just stupider than others. and some of us are rocks. blame it on DNA. that's what i do.

this next little thought is quite bizarre, but i enjoyed myself so much, i have to share it with you: drop a deuce naked. for some reason, sitting on the porcelain altar with no clothes on feels extremely different than when your pants are down by your ankles. it's really quite exhiliarating. i recommend it to everyone. (the reason i did this is cuz i was about to take a shower and decided getting naked was the number one priority at that moment)

wendy's again for lunch. mmm....*drool*...

people are going away B term that i'm going to miss alot. 7 weeks then winter break, it's just too much. someone hold my hand.

the twins and yankees both won yesterday. baseball playoffs. october. the fall classic. one of the most pure playoffs of the major sports. simple magic that comes from one well placed strike or one crushed homerun. it's electrifying. the battle between pitcher and catcher. athleticism trained and honed to perfection. i know what i'm watching on TV all this month.

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