
just ramble on

every househeld electronica device that i have ever seen has this little tag on it:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference recieved, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
where are the devices that get to cause interference and won't take no interference from nobody?
i will buy one no matter what it is.

sam cassell has been traded by the bucks to my yet-to-be-owned-by-me timberwolves. this deal has tremendous upside. i will miss anthony peeler though. he had good nba hair, and when he was draining 3s, the wolves were more unstoppable than lou ferrigno kicking the shit out of the cgi hulk.

and our resident this-is-why-we-need-to-introduce-term-limits-and-maybe-an-age-limit-on-congress retired politicion strom thurmond has passed on to the great filibuster in the sky.

the epa wants to relax the rules that allow sewage to seep into groundwater. so instead of staying with current policy and trying to fix the problem, they are just going to allow pollutants to seep into some of florida's drinking water supply.
this is fucking ridiculous.
now, i'm all for re-visiting laws and policies and updating them for the current socio-economic climate, but i just can't agree with letting restrictions slide on the amount of pollution in our water supply. this is one of the those things that is good for everybody if we can keep sewage from getting into the water.
this is why i cannot wait for my generation (19-25 yr olds) to get to the age where we can be senators and presidents. then the shit is going to hit the fan, and maybe, just maybe, we will inject some accountablility and justice into the bloated beraucracy that is the government (or we'll sell out and keep the status quo. it's a tough call)

i hate humidity.

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