wait, i'm on my weekend. curse my sleeping in and desire to do nothing!
tillamook ice cream was the purpose, goal, unified theory of everything of this trip.
and we succeeded! cake batter for me and peaches 'n' cream for the lady.
the frozen dairy seemed to be everyone's reason for being at the factory.
you had to stand in a line just to order your cream and then a separate line for actually getting your ice cream.
but it was freakin delicious.
we also bought some pepper jack, garlic cheddar, cheese curds, summer sausage and fudge.
we ventured another 6 miles west and hit up the ocean. it was extremely windy. and not just windy but windy as in having to brace yourself against gusts so you didn't fall over. i used the bloggie a bit chasing a seagull around. we took a lot of belly shots of the lady, so hannah will see what her first trip to the ocean was like. it was also like 80 and clear skies, so the wind made it actually really nice. we walked on the beach for awhile taking pictures and listening to the waves. you decide the cuter couple:
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