
next blog>>

since i haven't been much a part of the blogging community in a while, i thought i would just click the "next blog>>" button on the top of the page and see where it takes me.

just going by the 100 or so blogs i've seen over the last couple days there are a few "genres" of blogs on blogger:
  • mommy
  • bicycling
  • christian
  • AA
  • artists
  • and combinations of the above
i have come across very few blogs that are what i think my blog is and what i remember blogs being 8 years ago:  random posts about random topics sprinkled with metacognitive musings and existential angst.

does everything have to have a theme now?

what if i don't want a theme?  i never had one before and i was a semi popular blogger (couple hundred hits a day in my prime).  and it's not that i am looking to become popular and be linked on fark.com or anything.  i really just want an outlet for my thoughts.  something to release the built up mental pressure.  good drugs are just too hard to find, so i'm stuck here.

would i like people to read this and find it enjoyable and just spend all their time gushing about how brilliant i am and telling everyone they know about how i changed their life?  well, yes, of course.  but that's not realistic.  i'm not willing to put in the effort to make that happen.

i'm a "don't try too hard to succeed, just wait for your name to move to the top of the list by attrition and/or by another's success" kind of person.

it's been keeping me at a nice level of mediocrity for a good decade and a half now.

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