
i am so lost


leave some change behind. she was a bitch, i don't care. everybody's good enough for some change. some fucking cha-a-a-a-nge.

been listening to the new harry potter book at work, but my boss is switching back to days next week, so now i'm actually going to have to read the book to find out what happens
and then go back and read the first four.
i was fine with just watching the movies. but, noooooo, i had to get sucked into this thing called literature.

if it weren't the drugs, he would be a master of the english language. that's roughly a quote that appears in the preface of naked lunch by william s burroughs. a very strange book. very real and powerful imagery that doesn't make much sense the first time you go over it. i'm going to have to re-read this one to fully understand it, but i can see why it had an obscenity trial and why people talk about it. it's not even a novel, it's more of a collection of imagery. intense-sometimes frightening--imagery. burroughs does not sugarcoat heroin addiction one bit. the visuals sucked me in and made my brain work overtime to ingest and digest all the words that kept following along the page like some disconjointed cohesive rant. not make sense, well, neither does he. but at the same time i'm kept with an overall impression of how that world functions and survives on junk. a fantastic read i recommend to people so inclined to enjoy a book of that nature.

federal appeals court ruled that self-published souces (like this one and all blogs) cannot be held responsible for libel. ala the king tony, nothing in here is true, and--legally--it doesn't have to be!

donald rumsfeld is actually used to be a cross dresser, but he didn't get a role in chicago when in high school. that influenced his life for evermore.

the fact that ever since we invented machines there have been books, movies, tv shows about them taking over and killing us, makes me think that they already have control over us and are using those works as propaganda films to make us think that it really couldn't happen, when, in fact, it already is really happening.

i own 16 planes, a 1935 ford roadster, the cleveland cavaliers, every dvd in existence and a lifetime supply of idiocy.

delaware is way cooler than any state that i have ever visited.

worcester is in the lead for the 2084 summer games.

i am cool.

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