
it's goin' to be un-or-thh-ah-docks

he looked out the small bathroom window. he didn't like twilight. at least not tonight, anyway. he turned back to the mirror to inspect the bruises on his face for the umpteenth today. they looked about the same color as the sky outside. and felt like hammered shit.
that's probably why he wanted the sky to finish turning black. if he were outside in the dark, he wouldn't need to see how he looked. he sighed again--adriane said he sighed a little too often lately for them not to sound forced. fuck her, she could pay the bill tonight.
he wrapped some paper towels around his hand, and cocked his arm. he cringed at the loud noise that never came. maybe this would be easy. he stuck his head out and looked up and down the alley. skipping out on adriane, who was out in a corner booth eating cheesecake with strawberries, would be easy. but he doubted the rest would be so.
with a quick leg up and out, he was walking east. east--out of town. the sun would greet him in the morning, and he would welcome it. for the first time in a long time, he felt clear and awake. probably because he was walking to his certain doom.
it's surprising how a lack of options brings about a stark clarity.

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