
i always knew the japanese were up to no good

well, if i can't get paid for my dream of being a movie critic, i think i'm going to start doing it in my spare time. on my website sometime in the next couple weeks, my movie review section will be up and it will be informative as well as insightful. i hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as i will writing them.

i don't want to tell you which road to take; i want to teach you to read the map. thanks to a conversation with nate johnson this is my new reason for trying to teach people about enlightenment and all the other spiritual and intellectual and emotional stuff i like to rave about for hours on end.

so this kid i know (and if you're reading this, you probably know him already) wants to have a summer fling while he is home, but says he can't cuz he's not 21 and can't go out and meet people. i don't think i would want a summer fling. for one, it would have to be with somebody from work (cuz i'm not going to do a short term relationship with someone in worcester. i'd seem them too much, and i just can't do that.). and dating someone at work is weird. one, you're spending way too much time with them, and second, all the girls that work there that are my age have illegitimate children or i don't know them at all. and 2, i'm not very good at relationships. oh, i can give you plenty of advice and help you in yours, but in my own relationships with women, i have no fucking clue what is going on. chicks confuse me.

you know what i like about blogging? i can jump from random topic to random topic and no one gives a shit. i can sputter and ramble about some stupid crap that sounded interesting to me at the time, and you'll read it. absolutely fascinating, isn't it, Dr. Watson? quite fascinating, Mr. Holmes.

haha. i crack myself up.


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