
so both jeremy and becky have made modifications to their bloggers because i changed my template. this just fascinates me. action-reaction. cause-effect. it's one giant circle.

and going back to jeremy, he comments about people having long rambling blogs or short meaningless blogs. He gives mad props to abad (who deserves the shoutout) as a master of blogginess. now i challenge you, jeremy graef, what kind of blog do i have? and to get it out now, i won't be happy with any answer you give. but you're already aware of that.

so i bought taxi stuff (see previous post). i'm going to turn the volare into a taxi. i need to find out how to get livery plates and all that jazz. my car is soon going to be the most recognizable thing at WPI next to the SNAP van. sure SNAP may be free. sure SNAP has a TV in their new van. but SNAP does not have a Valore. no one else has the Volare. i am a unique and beautiful butterfly.

so, stef, muck, andrea, comalley, nate and this other guy tom come over last night to hang with the TKE summer crew and play some outdoor beirut--or live fire beirut as i like to think of it. after the games, we retired to my room and watched happy gilmore, made grilled cheese, and hung out. then me and stef stayed up til 4AM talking. it was one of those conversations where you just float from topic to topic, make points and jokes about anything and generally feel better about having the friends you do have. i am drinking a lot of coffee at work because of it, but it's all worth it. abad is driving today anyway. ha!

a point was brought up last night that i think needs to be repeated here for all my readers: ladies, if you like a guy, tell him! most of us are dense and don't understand subtlety. well, at least i don't, but i would like to think that i can speak on behalf of the male side of the species (stop snickering). i originally saw this a few days ago in erin's blog.

another thing i need to vent about is this: if, at 9pm(!) someone comes into your room and asks you to come hang out and drink some brews, you have 2 options.
1) decline the brew and accept the invitation for the social gathering. (even if it is only a half hour or so)
2) accept both the brew and the invitation.
i find it unacceptable when, in the summer (when there are no real responsibilities), people don't want to hang out and do stuff. i respect the desire to have alone time--i do it, too. But, for God's sake, one night a week is not going to kill you to hang out. and i do not accept the "i have to work tomorrow" excuse. there were plenty of people last night that had to get up at 6 or 7 that were hanging out with us til 12:30, 1:00ish.
You see, time works like this: if at 9PM someone wants you to hang out, you can do so for 2 hours. this makes it 11PM. you then go to bed and wake up 7 hours later. it's now 6AM the next morning. 7 hours of sleep and 6AM are both decent numbers for being prepared for work the next day unless you commute to Washington, DC. and in that case, you shouldn't be living at TKE for the summer.
conclusion, social activity = good. solitude in your room checking away messages = bad. if i've upset you with this little tirade, i can be reached at reger@tkezm.org

oh, i was told i have soft hair.

"do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"

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