
so last night was McDevitt's 21st. good God, what a great time. he has finally joined the ranks of the professionals. it's like being old enough to declare yourself eligble for the draft. it's time for the big leagues now. too bad he's too poor to afford alcohol. but at least we can go out to bars now! but not the Boynton. the Boynton is now being banned by a large number of TKEs and fellow WPI students.

i don't know about you guys, but if i'm working at a bar/restaurant type place and i see 20+ people show up and begin to order stuff, i would be excited about the possibility of getting a large tip from them, especially since they all seem to be in a rather jovial mood. i would not, on the other hand, go up to them and say "if you're not 21 or not ordering food, you have no reason to be here." never, ever, ever tell a TKE that he cannot do something or be somewhere. that causes the brain to kick into "spite" mode, and--on occasion--TKEs have been known to level entire cities when in this mode. there were other comments throughout the night that caused me to become irate and beligerent. for example, "i'm not going to serve underage kids" well, thank you very much for doing your job. "i'm not going to babysit you guys" no shit. you're a fucking waitress. we pay you to bring us beer and cajun fries. if i needed a baby sitter i would go hire on and leave her/him at home with the kids and not go to a bar looking for one. thank you, bitchiest waitress of all time. why the hell do you turn down at least a hundred dollars of business? if you were cool, that would be like a $20 tip. we were livid. mcdevitt wanted to headbutt their windows, but shea wouldn't let him. i personally thought it was a good idea. so, the B is now on the blacklist of TKE, or is it the other way around?

the new subway that opened up on highland street has a breakfast menu. breakfast menu's everywhere now a days. and none of this 10:30 breakfast is over. breakfast will be served til 11AM!! and the omelette with steak is an excellent choice for a very reasonable 1.99--toss in an OJ and the whole meal is a tasty $3.23

it is a short two weeks til Summer Party Eve. which means it's a short two weeks and one day til Summer Party. July 13 is when the whole thing goes down beautifully or blows up in my face. there will be food and booze for everyone. a measly $5 cover charge for unlimited liquids and solids. Bent will be playing at Summer Party (Shane Hooker's band if any of you actually know who that is) so everyone that reads this should make plans to show up at the TKE house (63 Wachusett St, Worcester, MA 01609) and bring all your friends. everyone and anyone is welcome. as long as they bring an Abraham Lincoln for the festivities, i'll even let circus midgets show up.

McDevitt is a professional drinker now.
boycott the Boynton
Subway has breakfast
Summer Party is July 13--$5 at the TKE house

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