
and you're innocent because?

this makes me think that the homeland security department is redundant.

living in new england, namely the state that thinks it is the shiznit of all shiznit--verm, whoops--massachusetts, i get a lot of flak for commenting on how good a team the new york yankees are. no matter how you feel about the economic situation of baseball, no matter how much you hate the pretty boys on the team, no matter how much you wish your team would plunk down $675,787,500,000 for the 8th starter on your roster, no matter how much of a red sox fan you are, you have to admit that the yankees are a pretty darn good team.
how about their starters going 16-0 so far this season? or how they outhomer their opponents 43-5? or that the yankee home run total equals detroits run total? (through april 23) or that as of this morning they are on pace to win 138 games?
for all they are hated, steinbrenner and co. make sure to get the highest quality players so they can be cream of the crop every year. don't bitch about them taking advantage of how the game is set up, bitch about how your team doesn't even try to do the same...

i never worried about iraq being a threat to the united states. i worry about north korea.

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