

the weather has been bordering paradisal the last 48 hours. 80+ yesterday, sun shining, nice breeze. weather like that only means one thing: outdoor beer pong. the first open air games of the season were played yesterday to a rousing success. games began around 3 and continued for the next several hours. the night games were spectacular shows of skill and agility (even though i missed them cuz i fell asleep from my day games).

there's another you reading this blog!

blogging actually gives me a sense of guilt now. or should i clarify, a lack of blogging. if i don't blog for a day, it makes me feel as if i am letting down those that read my blog. i know, i know, i took like 5 months off, but i did feel guilty for the first couple weeks, and i didn't write regardless. this is a whole 'nother subject that could be delved into on a deep and resounding basis.
and now i've gone 3 days, and i feel like i'm being a bad person for not sharing my thoughts with the world. is that a bad thing or a good thing? am i inflating the value of my opinions and thoughts to a point where i think it actually matters if humanity at large gets to see the workings of my thought process? or there another reason i have this feeling to expunge my brain to the world wide web? does it go back to my feelings of something missing from life (see 4/9/03 post)? am i trying to get my views across to get validation from others that i'm not alone in my thinking? is that all i'm looking for--a reassurance that i'm not crazy? or an assurance that i am crazy and give me justification for my messiah complex? eh, whatever.

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