
if i were king

i speak of "hyper-real" (see 20020408 post) dreams as if i they were just a thing of passing, but i haven't been able to shake them for a while. and they are getting to the point where i wake up about 5am from a realistic dream, and i fall asleep for a few minutes then wake up from another hyper-real dream. this continues for about another 4 hours. i can't get a decent night's sleep because i spend the last 4 hours of my night trying to figure out if i'm dreaming or actually experiencing my memories. the last couple days have been slightly messed up because i have to make my mind realize that a good portion of my memories are just subconscious ramblings. this is must harder than you can imagine. in my dreams, i have a good six to eight hours of memories being created. try to tell yourself that all of that is completely made up (as far as my understanding of reality is). i need to get to the point of my dream cycles where i don't remember much. i need to fall asleep and then awake 8-9 hours later with the sun up and the understanding it's the next day with nothing funny happening during the evening hours. i'm becoming batty. not that i wasn't batty before, i'm just becoming really batty.

both minnesota teams won last night. good luck to the gophers on saturday night, and good luck to the wild on saturday at 3.

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