
good idea, bad idea

good idea: making bread bowls for lunch so people can enjoy a delicious food item.
bad idea: knowing full aware that eating a chili bread bowl will cause you enormous pain in about 2 hours from heartburn but eating a big bowl anyway.

there is an upside and downside to everything. my downside with foods is that i usually am in complete agony from most foods and i pop rolaids like pez.

good weekend overall, the almighty sewer party went well. no deaths or major injuries. lots of drunken college students. and a hot girlfriend. it was beautiful. sunday was spent cleaning up the two weeks of sewer building with two hours of destruction. then some football in the afternoon, some grillin' and some simpsons and star trek on the hill. nemesis is so sad, i cry when data dies at the end.

haha. i love geeks

when you search for the exact phrase "wet dog shit" on google the first 5 sites are for dmx lyrics. that strikes me as odd. (you may be considering why i would even google "wet dog shit." i have my reasons)

and my blog doesn't exist til #31 when you google "rants and raves." i need to be number 1. i have a goal in life.
and what is this?
and reger.org expires in a year, so we may try to pick that one up.
and this makes me mad that i didn't register reger.net when i was in highschool.

my mind is just wandering today. my add (or it's slightly more rambunctious cousin adhd) must be kicking in hard today. peace

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