
isaac, you should get a cell phone. they are extremely handy for getting a hold of people when you're not near a computer (ie, the car, the mall, any stores, at a bar/club/restaurant). and you can IM and email on them nowadays, so they are definately a good technological accessory to have.

i'm going to gathering of the vibes this weekend. me, capt bill, brian bunten, chuck, cole and his girl are all going to this concert fest. it should be a pretty good times. everyone that i know that has gone to it before (ok, only 2 people) said that it was an amazing time. i'm hoping that it turns out to be a good time, cuz otherwise it will have been a waste of $140. not like i know anything about wasting money, but you know what i mean.

i enjoy the self-check out lines at the chopper. i don't have to put up with the white trash that doesn't remember their PINs or the chumps that use food stamps to try to buy the wrong stuff or standing in line in general. i wish they would get more of them. it's all i use at the chopper (unless i go late then they don't have them open--which is something they will have to remedy).

parker lewis can't lose was a quality tv show. does anyone know if it's on in syndication anymore? i would love to see it again.

speaking of early 90s shows, who here wanted to be Doogie Howser, MD? all of you? i thought so. i worshipped this kid when i was younger. he made me want to go to MIT, but then i toured there and hated it, toured WPI and fell in love with it, and the rest is history. but back to doogie. remember his computer journal and talking to the poster of einstein? god, i loved that show. that needs to come back on. am i getting old? i really shouldn't be reminiscing (sp?) about the good old days when i'm only 21. but TV sucks nowadays. i want my doogie, and parker lewis, and original saved by the bell. none of this "new class" or "college" shit. i want clarissa explains it all. i want wonder years. i want family ties. i want perfect strangers. i want to do the happy dance.

ok, enough venting. jay oleary wrote an email to the TKE spam list the other day and mentioned me and my blogger in it. he said that he hopes this takes the place of me arguing with everyone and basically ranting in public about shit no one cares about but me. i hate to disappoint, but probably not. i have cut down on the amount of arguing and bitching i do, but not because of the blog. the blog is a symptom of me changing my attitudes about how loud i want to be. i'm still loud and fairly off the hook, but it's different now. at least i feel different, i don't know if anyone else has noticed an impact concerning this, but i have. and that's all the really matters in the end, isn't it?

now where the hell is my doogie howser?

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