
watching the last starfighter, having soup made by beka, and drinking a lot of water will cure what ails you. i guarantee it. at least it did for me.

so after i was feeling better, stef came over and felt me. we went to see mr. deeds cuz she had free movie passes. this movie is hilarious. don't go into it thinking you're going to see a happy gilmore or a billy madison, cuz you be highly disappointed. but if you go into it thinking that you are going to see a really funny movie that has john turturro doing one of the best performances of the year or cats tossed out a window (they survive) then you get your ass to the theatre and see this movie.

the new favorite song is "hard to explain" by the strokes. so good. best lyrics from the song:

I missed the last bus, I'll take the next train
I try but you see, it's hard to explain
I say the right things, but act the wrong way
I like it right here, but I cannot stay
I watch the TV; forget what I'm told
Well, I am too young, and they are too old
The joke is on you, this place is a zoo
"You're right it's true"

in fact, i'm listening to it as i write this.

what i'm not feeling right now, is the oppressive heat and humidity. the only reason i'm willing to tolerate God's decision to have summer is the BBQs and the beach trips. take those out of the equation and there is no reason to the season of summer. give me winter. make it long, cold, and snowy. that's what i want. a blustery day, where you just curl up on the couch with a book or movie and a cup of hot cocoa with marshmellows. and a nice girl, that would be nice, but i'll take what i can get (the book and cocoa, i'm not talking about girls there, see, the pronoun "what" was referring to...ah, nevermind)

so we have a large supply of bacon and breakfast sausage in the fridge now for the taking. i'm happy about that. i like breakfast meats. they are tasty. especially bacon. it's up there with oreos. nothing is as high as oreos, but it's up there. (the it referring to the bacon, an...)

ok, friday night we had a BBQ at TKE. i had a lot of coke and vanilla vodka (a mighty tasty combo, i might add) and then i proceeded to eat a large amount of vodka soaked watermelon, and then drink the stuff the watermelon was soaking in. i might also add that i don't remember eating a lot of the watermelon and i definately don't remember drinking the vodka juice. and i don't remember talking to artie, erin, leaving a message on stef's phone, or talking to shea. now, this doesn't bother me from an "oh God, i drank too much, i'm out of control" standpoint. it concerns me from a "do i really exist on autopilot?" standpoint. cuz, obviously, i'm physically there. and i have cognizant abilities cuz i'm still interacting with people and performing the normal reger drunk functions of being loud and talking to everyone. (which i did very well from what people tell me). but what about the reality that i have defined for myself that consists of the memories and sensations of the experiences i go through. i don't sense much when i'm on autopilot, and i--by defintion of autopilot--don't remember any of it. so i wonder where does my consciousness go? what happens to the part of my mind that does the thinking and rationalizations and justifications for my actions? in freudian terms, does my id take complete control and push my ego down to where the id usually resides? does my soul disappear for a couple hours? what the hell happens? why am i so obsessed with this topic? what are my chances of getting a government grant to support further research? these are questions that demand answers.

but they can wait til morning.

peace out

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