
three times today, some attractive middle aged woman at work commented on how good i looked in my sweater vest and how green is really my color. i like that. but i would much rather have a 20something year old say that instead of a 40something year old. i guess i'm just doomed til i'm old enough to have kids my age...*sigh*

but onto the political rant of the day! inspired by ben's ideas that were inspired by me, i bring you my theory as to why i will be able to be president someday. my generation is pretty fed up with the status quo. we don't like things to be run by "good ol' boys". we have a slight distrust of corporations (enron and worldcom don't really help things either). and we all have opinions that we vehemently support no matter how wrong they are. we are quite accepting of other cultures and attitudes (which we also mock mercilessly). and most of us have this inane desire to do good in the world. to some varying degree this describes most college age students (don't argue. i'm right). i just happen to take it up a few notches compared to most people. (especially the opinion part). anyway, this will lead to one of two outcomes:
1. the status quo will win for the near future. corportations will grease our congressmen, and our elected officials will ignore the common good. the system will continually try to support itself on nothing (cuz our generation won't put up with it), and it will collapse sending America into ruin. the people that step up will be people like myself, like ben, and other like minded folk who love the principles and ideals this goverment was founded upon, and we will rise up and resurrect America and bring back into focus what is needed.
2. hopefully the real case--our generation will become more and more involved in the workings of government by voting, petitioning, protesting and excerising the liberties granted to us by the constitution. we will sweep away the narrow-minded conservatism that is gripping our goverment like a dying soldier to his gun. it will be more useful if it is passed on to the next generation to fire the silver bullets of freedom, liberty, and justice.

i really see this as the political future of America in our lifetime. Revolution! or a paradigm shift where political viewpoints aligned with my own will be the norm. either way, i want to be a front-runner.

REGER in 2016

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